A life of a Web3/NFT Marketer: Monthly Updates

3 min readApr 13, 2022


I decided to give mini monthly updates for my own growth in NFT space as a marketer in Ninja Squad NFT. This post will be regularly updated on a monthly basis.

Month👇🏻 📅

— Start learning about basics. (the terms/jargon used in space, the basis of NFTs such as ETH, blockchain & etc.)
Learning the basics are actually took me more time than a month to fully understand.
— NFTs vs fungible tokens (what makes NFTs different than cryptocurrency?)
— Content creation phase started with baby steps. 👶🏻
How? Reading articles, threads in twitter, spending time in DC. Creating copies for tweets, announcements in DC, blog posts for NFT basics. 📚

2. Month👇🏻 📅

— Continue to create content. (You’ll be more familiar with terminology and lingo, it’ll be easier for you to develop content based on your knowledge.)
— Adopt & have a thorough understanding of the objectives and aspirations of the project that I’m in.

3. Month👇🏻 📅

— Create content for various social media channels such as IG or Linkedin.
ITM keep researching about NFTs & Web3 developments, upcoming projects, etc.
— Listening podcasts, reading newsletters..
— Slowly start following platforms such as Coniunio to track the performance of NFT projects in the market. (there are dozens of them!!)
& Don’t forget that there is ALWAYS so much stuff to learn but we are still very, very early in this space. So, keep working & creating.

4. Month👇🏻 📅

How did I divide my time in March?
- %80 content creation (wrote many articles for both to improve my learning & others, tweets, social media copies)
- %15 outreach
- %5 other marketing approaches

— Content creation: the MOST effective way to level up on your game in every area, specially in marketing! Content creation on web3 marketing is like the cherry on top of the cake 🍒

— Read/watch/listen a lot, filter down all the info, create content based on your learning.
& repeat that cycle . 🌀
Utilize all media sources such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube.

— Outreach: if you are a marketer, you’re already familiar with outreaching. It is a bit painful & such a long process, yet the outcomes may surprise you!
👉🏻 try to be genuine on your content
👉🏻 try to build strong & deep connections

Outreach for collabs, affiliates, interviews, guest writing…
Keep in mind that each type of outreach copy should be authentic. Don’t just use a generic email for everyone 🙇🏻‍♀️

Other efforts were similar to what I do before, but I feel like I’m growing & glowing each day! It is *muy importante* that you know you are creating value for your space and appreciate yourself for your efforts ✍🏻

5. Month & 6.Month 👇🏻 📅

I’ll summarize my 5. and 6. months in this space. We’re now at the end of May 2022! What I’ve been doing is creating more and more content while doing a little project management too. 🤓

I guess it is fair to say that May was full of project/event management! ( ofc I’m creating content along the way- there’s no ending in the content creation!)

Preparation for NFT NYC:

  • Event management
  • Swag bag item ideas and preparations
  • Content ideas before the event

(These tasks are still continue)

Weekly recurring tasks such as content creation for all social media channels, brainstorming for new/interesting content, do research for further inspo with the content/ideas/improvements.

Since we are planning lots of stuff in Ninja Squad recently, there are other areas that I’ve involved such as website design ideas/feedback, creating copy for website updates etc.

In general — Content creation,event coordination/preparation, outreach were the most focused angles for these last couple of months for me! ❤️

There is ALWAYS something that you can improve, add, change or modify in web3 marketing, at least that is 100% correct from my perspective.

Reminder: It is OK to feel tired/exhausted sometimes. It is OK if you are not in a creative mode some days. && also it is totally OK if you are fully focused on your work and don’t want to be distracted.







This is Pırıl, I’m based in Turkey & I’m the content & social media manager for Ninja Squad. Follow me for content marketing, NFTs, and NFT marketing tips!

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